Deaths Door

posted in: Personal | 0

One particular question has haunted mankind ever since there was a mankind to haunt is, “what happens when you die’? Some say, “nothing”. Some have experienced what is called “a near death experience”. Frankly, I’ve been border-line dead and can … Continued

Is God the Answer?

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Whose job is it anyway? I’ve spent the last two days reading everything available on the Omnibus Bill that was passed against the wishes of our citizens. In fact two of the Senators that voted for the bill are Tom … Continued

The Ukrainian War-In the raw

posted in: War | 0

WHY FUND UKRAINE?????? While Donald Trump slowly weened us off of the wars previous administrations spent decades creating, Democrats had spent the past 4 months entwining us into yet another conflict. This time we’re backing Ukraine against Russia, a war … Continued